Thursday, June 08, 2006

Hormonal Pigmentation

Hormonal pigmentation can come on quite suddenly. Most people suffering from this condition will suddenly notice patches that are darker than the surrounding skin. The most common type of hormonal pigmentation is Melasma. I will describe this in more detail in another post. The second most common type of hormonal pigmentation is the kind induced by conditions like PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome) and Diabetes Mellitus. Also, some men and women will notice hormonal pigmentation after puberty. This type of pigmentation usually manifests on the back of legs and/or underarms. This is more common in some races and quite unusual in others. Other rarer forms of hormonal pigmentation includes those found in people suffering from Addison's disease and Acanthosis Nigricans. Sudden darkening could also be caused by Arsenic poisoning.

Hormonal pigmentation requires constant lightening and simultaneous treatment of internal conditions if there are any present. With persistance and a disciplined regimen, it is possible to even out even the toughest areas of pigmentation.